Monthly Archives: July 2012

It’s not only about the bit where the glass is half full…


Half full or half empty ?!! That’s the story of how positive thinking goes. The way you view a glass of level with the water at the mid-level (..i.e. the realistic view !!)

But today, I was wondering what happens when the glass suddenly just slips and breaks ….. Lucky or unlucky ?!! Bad omen ? I guess, that what happens most of the time, when we set out to do something and it feels that everything in the world, or rather everything that is happening around us, is going against us.

Well, at this point all I can say is, “Welcome to my world!! ”

Yes, things at this point looked like that, till I just sat and gave my thoughts their say. And eventually, this is what I believe….

“When you take a moment to acknowledge how far you’ve come and then look around you, and within yourself…you’ll  remember that you started with nothing, and know that everything that you have achieved so far, is what you have done with His Grace.

Yes, you can lose all feelings of self-worth, especially when something goes wrong in our world, which we deem is the most crucial to us.Yet, the truth is that if you have done it before, you can do it again, no matter what. 

As long as you feel the drive and the willingness to try again, you’re still alive. As long as you make mistakes, you’re still human. And as long as you keep trying, there’s still hope.

So, all I can say for now, is to never give up on yourself and never abandon your dreams.”


As for as signs go, yes I did get my coat splattered with mud, thanks to the heavy rains !!, en route for the grand presentation; but my presentation went better than what I hoped for.

And yes, I’m still in a race against time, but I guess I’ll manage shuffling between deadlines and relationships. Believe, the latter is what gets strained fast.

And even though, my plans aren’t going smooth, I guess, I’ll still manage.

After all, every mountain has an “up” and “down”. If there were only up’s, even the skies won’t be able to accommodate us. But a black hole might !!

I guess, the most important thing is not to be bitter over the disappointments. It’s too much to expect that everyday would be sunny. And it is when we get lost, in the darkness and despair; it’s only in the black of the night, that you can make out the stars, and then eventually they would be a light to lead us on.

So even when things go against us and the plans…. it’s worth to make mistakes, to stumble, to fall, because most of the time, the greatest rewards come when we do the things that scares us the most…the biggest risks, the big gamble. And someday. we’ll get everything more than we could ever have imagined.

For, who knows where life will take us? The road is long and in the end, the journey is the destination but when we stand still and waste our time in moroseness and all the “why me ?!!”; we would be getting nowhere.

So, run and get moving.

Have a happy week ahead !!