Tag Archives: Recreation

Not counting the seconds today…..

As Douglas Pagels said,These Are the Gifts I’d Like to Give to You; “Sometimes it’s important to work for that pot of gold.  But other times it’s essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow.”

And so I have decided to sit for a while and just do a little of nothing !!

It’s past mid-June, the past two weeks have been an eye-opener on how time can fly. The past two weeks have been about meeting deadlines, finishing my allotted assignments and reading. My cell phone has become my official alarm, ringing bells and switching the timers on and off. But today, I have had enough. Yes, I’m officially burned out and so here I am in front of the laptop, blogging away.

Sometimes I wonder why do we all rush around ? Time is a big essence, true. But sometimes, in the pursuit of our plans and goals, we tend to forget to see our surroundings and appreciate the little things of the day. And they are what makes the special memories.

Which is why I am heading downtown with my gals, it’s time for a break. I’m crossing my fingers and pray that intentionally or unintentionally, I shall not think of the pending assignments and duty hours to do and count the seconds and minutes that pass by….It’s not easy !!

Time for some experimentation today… salute’ !!

Have a happy lazy Sunday!!

Skating by…

It’s been nearly two whole weeks since I have last posted. Kind of a first, since I have never stayed off the blog for this long. Well, who do I put the blame on ? Shuttling between duty hours and my pre-post graduation preparation; time has been flying, leaving me stranded . That’s when I wish I had lived on Venus, but that’s too long a day ( 243 earth days per day) and the years would never go by. So here I am now, immersed in books and coffee and not to forget the white coat !!

Coming back on track, the only way to cut on time was to run around without actually running around ?!! Kind of weird, but do you remember that dusty old pair of shoes with wheels on the base !! I found mine hidden in the boxes up in the attic, not worn out with the laces in tact. Great, it’s time to get back on them. And with the entire ensemble of the knee and elbow pads, running from one block to another, especially during duty hours is like a whizz !! Practically that never happens, when I have to stop by and talk to ten different people on the way. Yet it feels great to be back on skates!!

It’s fun, to put on the full gear and dash across the streets, like in childhood. The only problem is that I keep on falling, but that is “the beginner’s block”. Thankfully, the felt pads never let me down.And even with the falls, getting around on skates is worth it.  Honestly, I can hardly remember the last time I ran on the lawn, chasing  and getting chased ( don’t count the family gatherings, I’m mauled by my nieces and nephews, and the rest of gang of cousins !!). The perks of technology, doesn’t make up for the lost time of fun, frolic and leisure.

But think of it, it’s time to put the laptop away and get some fresh air. Time to get some physical activity done ( exclude the laundry and the morning hustle-bustle). And now, I wonder where my skipping rope went ? That’ll be another hunt so I’ll settle for my skates now.

Getting those muscles back into function, was there any game or sporting event that you were crazy about in middle or high school days, and that you haven’t done for a long time ?!! And this doesn’t include the spectator part !! I have along list starting with the throw ball and volleyball nets. Gym is fine but it get’s boring at times. Maybe May is the time for some community play and matches !!

Have a great week ahead !!

De-cluttering crisis : the music tapes !!

Ah, great, even for garage sales they have gone out of fad. I was trying to disperse a part my collection of audio tapes. Don’t get me wrong. I am crazy about my music collection. But some of them have to go (Space and I are at war). Yet even for free, they hardly sold. Music of the 80-s and 90-s has not faded, but the tapes sure have gone out of demand. Which brings me to the thought : is it already the by-gone era for the music tapes ?!! I must say, that technology has progressed real fast. 

Well, after the i-pod and the mp4 players, who would want to lug around a tape-recorder and a bundle of cassettes. You want volume for the party, the amplifiers and speakers will do. Besides, for the latest videos and albums, on-line purchase gets you the tracks faster than even when you order the audio-cd’s, leave out the tapes. And talk about space, the only reason I am even thinking of parting with a part of my audio-tape collection (not the priceless ones!!) is to de-clutter. Unlike the gramophone, no way the tape-recorder neither the tapes are going to be ancient relics, even centuries later. Less likely.

Yet, I agree there is a different feel when you hold a music tape in hand. Recordings. Your own personalized collection of songs. Attempts at forming my own band. And the numerous dance numbers. The Saturday night gigs. But, when I asked the teens in my family. Tapes, they are too tedious. Now cd’s that’s better. Still better are the i-pods. Well, honestly I prefer the latter these days.

Ah now that all roads leading to their exit from my collection is closed, the next agenda to create more space in the basement, if feasible. Wasn’t it Napoleon who said that, impossible is a word that doesn’t exist. Er, I beg to differ. My basement doesn’t agree. Space is impossible, unless you win the war for it !!!

Step back and breathe…

Recently I have found work to be slightly less enjoyable. Its not that I am bored or have less work to do. Its just that I have lost interest, at least for a while.That’s when I came across these lines ….

” Every now and then, go away, take a little relaxation, because when you come back, your judgement will be surer. To remain constantly at work will cause you to loose your power of judgement. Go some distance away, because then the work appears smaller, and more of it can be taken at a glance, and a lack of harmony or proportion is more readily seen. – Leonardo da Vinci.”

This couldn’t have been phrased better. Sometimes, a break for a day or two is all that we need to bring back that vibe and energy into the field. Monotonicity is not the way of life for any man..either for you or me !!! Once when the wrong judgement is made, then it entails in making the wrong decisions, the wrong approach and then disasters are enlisted which may be beyond correction or any kind of repair. Which is why, a day off is needed for all of us, irrespective of whatever job we do. For, our first impression is the best and sometimes one chance is all that life offers. Which is why we have to pepped up to do it at the right time and moment. And this is why once when our interest in our work is lost, all is lost.  And in the best interests of our health, getting stressed is as traumatic as having diabetes.

Besides, it pays enough to take a break. Gives you a fresh start, new ideas and the best of all new dreams, which may becomes legacies.If you are of the mindset that you are going to loose all that hours of work, do a test and see the productivity. It ll be better to do your work with breaks that in the same dull monotonous tone.

Take a break and don’t freak out over all that time lost. Spend some time with the family and indulge yourself. Believe, more time is gained than wasted.So, I think it’s time for me to take a day off and come back tomorrow with a fresh start at work !!! Have a great day.