Monthly Archives: January 2012

To let them go….

Change is one of the hardest things that can happen. True, no matter how good the change is for us, personally speaking I still hate it when something new, out of the ordinary, crops up.

To change and to let go.

Interestingly, it’s not about opportunities that I want to focus on here, but about relationships. Sometimes, when we know that’s it’s really over; we try so hard not to acknowledge it. Most of the time, I turn a blind eye to it; though common sense screams to face it and to get it over with and then to move on.

Let them go. This was in one of the email attachments, forwarded to my inbox a few days ago.

You may wonder why did I post it here ? It’s because I strongly feel that the words echoed by this poster is true. Isn’t it so ?

Isn’t it true that we try so hard not to let go, even though deep down, we know that it’s inevitable ?

Isn’t it true that we so desperately try to cling to the good times, the better memories and hope, that those days shall come again; though deep down we know that it’s all over ?

Isn’t it true, that the hardest part is not just letting them go, but letting go of the memories and most of all, accepting that it’s over and then trying to move on ?


All I can say for now, is that it’s time to move on.

It’s time to start over and find a new path.

It’s time to start a fresh page.

It’s time.

The tryst between Love and Life.

“Is it always like this?” she asked me. 

Frankly speaking, I don’t know, because I have not yet reached that point. The point where both ought to go hand in hand, though most often it doesn’t. And when it does, it happens only once in a lifetime, so they say. 

Ah yes, I’m sure even though the readers may be confused at the turn of events, and so here it goes. Besides the chaos of work, I was witness to a change in my friend and colleague’s life “the end or is it a new beginning of a new story….? to Love and Life.

Love and Life.

Two words that can make anyone go crazy and act in a darned funny manner.

Two words that have the power to make the day and night go topsy-turvy.

Two emotions that can result in a sudden phase of “trichotillomania” or can make a Shakespeare out of you. And that’s the story of life and love.

What happen’s to Life when Love is lost ? What happens to Love when Life is lost ? 

Nothing happens at first, she says. You just wander around hoping for answers and in the end, when you are left with none to answer, you move on. It’s just like what Gaiman says.

And then she says, “After a while you hope and pray that one day Love will find you again. And then, yes you will have Love and Life both with you.”


It’s at this point that I would like to share what my best-friend once told me. Love is like catching a feather. It flies round and around, tagged by the breeze and swayed by the wind. It rest in between and then goes back into motion. Though finally, it reaches a place where it wants to stay. And no matter how strong a breeze comes, it doesn’t wish to fly any more. And that is Love. And after it reaches the final place, that’s when Life begins a new page.

And what is my final say on Love and Life. To just follow the music and write your own lyrics…

So what is you say on Love and Life ? Was there ever a point in your journey when you felt that they were both non-negotiable ?

Re-connecting the old strings….

With the messy wind about and the cold waves of the evening sending jitters across the room (no snow here !!), I am now holed up in my quarters and what better time is it than now to open my first email id !! 

My first email id, i.e. the first one I had made was when I was in high school. When I entered college, ids like cool_gal007@…., dragon_slayer@, silverlight_remy@…. and the list goes on…sounded slightly over-rated but come uni, no way I was going to pen down that email id along with my contact address. And so out went the old, and in came the new one.

So today evening, I tried to open my first email id. (Nope, I never deleted it, somehow never felt like doing it and with my constant moving around, that was my contact id for the high school gangs not really needed now, ever since Facebook and Twitter had arrived!!) 

Maybe it’s just my innate curiosity about  what’s in store. Anyways, after loads of permutations and combinations, I finally unlocked that huge old box, and there were a lot of emails ( minus the spam !!) to read through. And here is a poster linked from one of the emails, that I would like to share….

I can’t exactly figure out what it is, that drew me to this poster. The sender is one of my friends whom I was pretty close to in senior high, but once when I changed schools, the connection just rusted out. And now, there lies an email from her.

Thinking back, through the previous years, there were many people with whom I have interacted with; with some – just for a few minutes or so; with some – for days while on my duty hours and with some only – through the fast-paced means of communication. Yet among all, there were a few of them, with whom I could open the bottle and let loose the train of thoughts, whether it be through the long distance calls or the rampant flurry of emails. And honestly speaking, those kind of friends are really rare.

So for me, it’s time to re-connect the old strings and set the new strings in place. After all, honest opinions, sound thoughts and true listener’s are rare to come by. So if I get back one of my old pals, no way I’m going to sit still and watch Time as it goes by. I need to re-connect and set the new string in my life.

Have you ever gone back and tried to contact an old pal of yours ? What is it like to see an email from a long-lost friend ?

That glass of water…

Before you get any further after reading the headline of this post, caution: this is not a tale of the half-full or half-empty glass of water, it’s beyond that !!

Read on…

And at last, here it is, the end of the holidays and back to work. Sigh !! It’s been a blissful opening into the new year and I kind of feel weird now that it is over. Though I must say, 2012 had a great start. ( Nope, not a word to be mentioned about the “R” word..!!) 

With all the un-packing going on, my quarters is in a clutter. I don’t think even a hurricane can make this big a mess. Well, that’s me !!

I couldn’t resist sharing the opportunist’s move….classical of my siblings !!

Classic move I guess. Being an opportunist is no easy job, to quote as my sibling say ( the tiny one with huge round innocent eyes !!), it’s the subtle moves that matter and helps in making the opening. After all, openings are not highlighted, you have to find the chance.

Speaking of which, I still have to get my glass of water. And then it’s back to the work from tomorrow.

Meanwhile, how has your first week of 2012 been so far ?



And so, the end of the old or the new beginning….

And so here begins the new one !! As we all jump-start into the new year, there is one saying I would like to remind myself, “What lie behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

And as far as resolutions go, I finally got to the end of the list, bu about keeping them, my fingers are crossed. But there are a few rules or rather few words of wisdom to pass on. And I found this shared on my wall on Facebook and so here it is…

In the middle of the chaos of the New Year’s Eve, here is a happy new year to you all. May 2012 be the next chance to fulfill the dreams and hopes and to set a new mark on the journey. Dream big , that’s all I am saying for now !!

And here into the first day of the year, Happy New Year to all of you !!! Bottoms up !!