Tag Archives: coffee

An ode to a cup of …..

Ever experience the feeling of being new to town, need a place to hang out….

Bored of working at home all day, need a scene change…

Stuck for ideas, messed up and need inspiration…

Need time out with your gang or partner….

Well, lets take a walk around the corner, ah! there it is- the coffee shop, that where i am headed. ( Not at home to make my own cuppa today!!) There’s something relaxing about sitting down with a cup of coffee ( its tea for all you tea lovers out there !!!) .and watching people milling about you. The aroma and the general ambiance.. whether it’s in the open air or the interior of a cafe’ …It feels like i can write a story while sitting, the different people i see – some pouring over the newspaper, others(like me !) typing over their laptops, each one of us with a different tale. Most of us, prefer it as a hangout place after work, during college hours, lover’s zone. Or even in between work, if a couple of minutes can be squeezed out.

Some people grab out for a cappuccino, mochas or the regular brewed coffee variety. If I start my day, without a  cup of coffee, somehow there’s something missing about it. The whole point is i can take a break from the daily chaos- more of a breathing moment. And the best thing is that all that coffee and tea drinking during mid life is supposed to help in preventing dementia.

If i am too short of time, or can’t leave home or my workplace – there’s nothing better than brewing my own cup of coffee. It gives you the time-out i  need, and the refocusing to get back on track.

Not to mention the number of ideas that can be inspired from a cup of coffee, the scripts getting ready for the publishers, a scriptwriters’ turning point for the movie, in between meetings, for the brain storming sessions.It all seems like an Edison moment..with our gray bulbs firing away through out the neural network.

Somehow, our daily lives seem like that, like a cup of coffee, depends on how we wanna have it, cold or hot, edgy or sweet, fast or slow,traditional or in the modern way….Enjoying a cup of coffee is an art in itself, allowing us to appreciate it in our fullest sense. So the next time you feel frustrated, stressed out , tired out,  take a break….and grab a seat, as well as a cup of coffee !! 🙂