Daily Archives: April 14, 2012

Thank you for that smile…

It was during my clinics yesterday, when I saw ” the smile”. It was a beautiful one, for I knew the person had their own crisis going on, yet in spite of all that, that smile reached out and made an old lady among many others, smile.

It feels great to be at the receiving end of a smile. Especially when you have your own personal arising; on seeing a perfect smile, the genuine one; somehow the load seems lighter.

And that was what I witnessed yesterday, the perfect smile.

The smile that taught me that we all have our own problems, and so do others. The smile that said that we are not alone. The smile that spoke of hope anew. The smile that made someone happy.

We are not the only targets of bad luck or misfortune, everyone is. But in the end, it doesn’t matter. 

What matters is whether you passed on the smile. And whether you made someone smile today ?